Waupaca Boatride 2016

Time-lapses shot while grilling, setting up camp, and drinking beer at Waupaca Boatride in Oshkosh, Wisconsin 2016. Stills at the end of the video are from the tournament in 2014.
Sunsets on Waupaca Boatride Campsite
Waupaca Boatride Campsite at Night

MAM Wing Closing and Fireworks

I watched the opening Summerfest fireworks around the Milwaukee Art Museum on a beautiful night.

People watching during fireworks.
Watching Fireworks on Bridge
Firework Close Up
Crowd leaving after fireworks.
Crowd Leaves after Fireworks
Wing Close Up
MAM after Fireworks

McKinley Beach

Super windy and gorgeous day, which always make the flags look great.
McKinley American Flag
Excellent way to end a lakefront trip! This is a frame grab from the above video.
Sweating Summer Icee

Lakeshore State Park

Checking out Lakeshore State Park during a lovely cloudy June day.

I’m impressed this little boat is able to pirate the large pirate ship. Y’arggghhhh.
Pirate Ship!

The orange statue gets a lot of hate for “being in the way” of the art museum, but I still like it. (Milwaukee Art Museum is just behind me in this photo.)
MAM Bridge to Burst

I was going to steal these bench drumstricks, but whoever installed them must’ve known this.
Bench Drumsticks

Me walking back to the camera at the end of the timelapse (start of video). I wedged the lens cap under the front of the battery grip and the camera’s strap precariously under the back of it to “perfectly” work as my makeshift tripod.
Me! at Lakeshore State Park

You can actually turn these kinetic sculptures. There’s a wheel at the base.
Discovery World

Two seasons in Wisconsin: Winter and Construction. It’s no longer winter.
Lakefront Intersection