Volley Vibes

Red, white, and blue poles for a gorgeous July evening of Americana beach volleyball…
tape abuse!
aggressive tape slut
(successful) watch and pray defense
(successful) watch and pray defense
jumpserving into the setting light
jumpserving into the light

World’s largest outdoor volleyball tournament…
Playing the Waupaca Boatride grass triples on Brighton Acres in Oshkosh, Wisconsin

late start to the day due to thunderstorms the night before (it is “thunderstorm weekend” after all)…
(late) start of the day
ready to set (photo by emily marie)
ready to set (photo by emily marie)
setting the sauce (photo by emily marie)
setting joe (photo by emily marie)
ain’t no party, like a truck party (to watch the finals)
ain't no party, like a truck party
why so serious (because i deleted all the funny ones)
joe “staring down” his brother james as we watch the finals
why so serious (because i deleted all the funny ones)
arm just long enough for 3-person selfie
arm just long enough for 3-person selfie
a sea of sweat
a sea of sweat
finals southpaw spike
finals serve
finals serve
double drama
double drama

Jazz in the Park and more Milwaukee fun

lovely past three days in milwaukee…

yesterday… good times at ‘Jazz in the Park,’ in cathedral square
literal leading lines…
literal leading lines to laughter

a knee and a smile
a knee and a smile

the day before…
was a beautiful night for volleyballing at bradford beach on lake michigan
Bradford Beach Sunset

and some intense fog the day before…
fog walk
Fog Walk

into the fog
Into the Fog

Pabst Brewery

Photos from walking around the Pabst Brewery next to the new Bucks arena during a warm winter day.
Jackson's Blue Ribbon Pub
Pabst Building

Can’t escape the cranes!
The Brewery

Shooting the moon with my crane pistol…
Shooting the Moon Pabst in BW
Pabst Brewery
Pabst Bottling
Moon over Downtown
Reaching for the moon…
Reach for the Moon
The Great Hall

It was almost 50F and less than 2 weeks ago, our weather looked like this:
Snowstorm at Libby's