Manly Man Golf with Josh

Finally went to the range for the first time this summer with my friend Josh. Though quickly turned into ice cream, beer, betting, and putt putt.

Josh launching drives.

Standard Josh face. Eating ice cream for putt putt warm-up.
Standard Josh Face - Not a Brain Freeze
Josh getting shafted…
Josh Getting Shafted
Sunsetting on the course and summer :/
Sun Over Mini Golf
Making it literally rain.
Hole 18…
Deciding 18th
Josh pushing our betting to hole 19… which he may have won :/
Josh Sinks to Push Over-Time

And a couple days before, I played Night Disc Golf with Josh (apparently had to play all forms of golf this week). Afterwards did some long exposure shots of Josh driving with an LED on the disc.
Night Disc Golf
Moon Over Night Disc Golf
Trying to do alllll of the activities before summer runs out!

Church Entrances

More entrances!

Laying on the sidewalk… camera on the graound, leaning against the bottom stair… taking like 10 photos, trying to line everything up just right.
Probably looked like a crazy person.

Downtown Milwaukee, St. Paul’s Church at sunset.
St. Paul's Church Entrance

Across the street from Cathedral Square is this beautiful entrance.
Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist

Check out some more of my Milwaukee Entrances photos.

Hot Summer Night – Photographs

On a hot summer night this Sunday, I visited beautiful Grant Park for the first time in years. Photos are from Grant Park’s Seven Bridges, hidden beach, golf course, and more. Don’t leave summer!

Scared all the Sunday golfers away for a moment…
Sunset Golf Hole

Crossing… Lake Michigan in the background with a stream running into the park in the foreground.

I want to make this my summer cottage…
Sunset Golf Shack

Eerie and beautiful…
Covered Bridge

Trying to hold camera steady as mosquitoes maul me…
Beach Bridge

Beautiful ‘hidden’ beach…

Crawling through the spiderwebs…

Splash of color… and mosquitoes…

My stairs can beat-up your stairs.
Serious Stairs

Yeah. It’s was a little humid.

Exit Bridge

Beautiful bending branch over Lake Michigan.
Bending Branch

Thanks for reading! ~VB

Jazz in the Park

Second-to-last Jazz in the Park at Cathedral Square in downtown Milwaukee. Beautiful, hot summer night and great turn-out.

He’s the only one facing the correct way. 😛
Jazz in the Park

Strike a pose.
Photo Op

Jazz in the Park II