Red sky, in Riverwest section of Milwaukee, after playing volleyball across the street. Hurried over to get a shot of it.
Trip to Texas!
Traveled to Texas for photo and video work and took some travel shots along the way.
Arrived obnoxiously early to Milwaukee’s General Mitchell Airport, but got this shot of a near empty gate.
Waiting to take off from General Mitchell in Milwaukee to Dallas/Fort Worth.
24,000 feet (according to pilot) over USA, about 2/3 of the way to Texas from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Beautiful night in Weatherford, Texas.
Noticing the camera slung over my shoulder, the cook told me he was ready for the photo shoot. 🙂
Not an ad… but I do like their food and logo…
Traveling to the next location in Texas. Texas is the most obviously spied on state for a person to be. Check out all the cameras on the crossbeam.
Waiting to board to head home after 3 tiring days. Dallas/Fort Worth airport back to Milwaukee’s General Mitchell.
Feels good to be home after a great trip! Leaving General Mitchell airport here.