Milwaukee Blues (Photo Series)

“Milwaukee Blues” photo series started organically. I was hired to shoot video (taking stills for myself as I shot) of notable (or just unique or beautiful) Milwaukee landmarks and recognized that there were many different and beautiful blues throughout the photos.

More photos in the series will be posted soon as well. Below are four stills from “Milwaukee Blues.”
Milwaukee Art Museum (twilight)
Sculpture Park Form (at Discovery World)
Birds of Knowledge of Good and Evil
M.A.M. Water Fountain

Project X Party Documentary Teaser

Teaser trailer from Friday night’s shoot at Apartment 720 for Promo MKE.
Promo MKE presents Project X Party Documentary. Shot at Apt 720. Visit Promo MKE on fb and twitter for the best in Milwaukee nightlife and entertainment.
Directed, Photographed, and Edited by Vincent Buckley
Produced by Jon Boles
Hosted by Andrea LaPinske
Production Asst. Emanuel Molina
Special Thanks Apt 720, Eden Kaminski, Kyle Buckley

Bulb/HDR Photo

My first Bulb/HDR photo.

ISO and aperture fixed at 100 and 3.5. Shutter at 6s, 20s, and 90s. Post in Photomatix Pro and Photoshop.

That streaky thingy is a plane from the 6s photo. Taken on the Milwaukee lakefront on a beautiful March night.

Snow Photos

New photos of a rare snowfall in mid-February 2012 during an unseasonably warm Milwaukee winter.

View the full Snow Photobucket Album. Or click the thumbnails below to view larger. And if you prefer warm weather- here are some recent Florida beach photos.

Also have a bunch of exciting new projects coming out soon and in production. Plus putting together a new dp/editor reel with a ton of new stuff, will be updating my director reel, and have a new animatic for my film/video work (which I’ll post soon)!

Caution: Swervey Snake Road 3Snowfall with Streetlight at Night 5Up Bridge
Up Snake Road at NightfallDown StairsLincoln Memorial Drive February SunsetWinter Creek
Bridge with Fallen Tree 2We Are SocietyUnder the Bridge 2