Lakeshore State Park

Checking out Lakeshore State Park during a lovely cloudy June day.

I’m impressed this little boat is able to pirate the large pirate ship. Y’arggghhhh.
Pirate Ship!

The orange statue gets a lot of hate for “being in the way” of the art museum, but I still like it. (Milwaukee Art Museum is just behind me in this photo.)
MAM Bridge to Burst

I was going to steal these bench drumstricks, but whoever installed them must’ve known this.
Bench Drumsticks

Me walking back to the camera at the end of the timelapse (start of video). I wedged the lens cap under the front of the battery grip and the camera’s strap precariously under the back of it to “perfectly” work as my makeshift tripod.
Me! at Lakeshore State Park

You can actually turn these kinetic sculptures. There’s a wheel at the base.
Discovery World

Two seasons in Wisconsin: Winter and Construction. It’s no longer winter.
Lakefront Intersection

Milwaukee Spring Night Photos

Emily Fire La Perla

I took some photos during a Milwaukee Spring evening out. Locations include La Perla (Mexican Restaurant), Lake Shore Park, and Downtown.

I just brought out a light/small/inexpensive lens, “the nifty fifty,” Canon’s EF 50mm f/1.8 lens on my Canon 5Dmk3. Photos were processed in Lightroom and about a third also had some work done in Photoshop as well. To see all 17 photos in the gallery click here.

Milwaukee Spring Night Photos AT LA PERLA FOR DINNER AND DRINKS:
Genius direction, “Um, look at the fire.” On La Perla’s patio.

🙂 Also on the patio.

Awww, I think they like each other. On the other side of the room, a guy was humping a girl on the motorized kid ride.

I had some sweet red-light timing on this.

Milwaukee Art Museum seen through the Lake Shore bridge. This is genius because they both have pokey things.

The girls consider jumping off the Lake Shore Bridge.

I also call this picture “Art Sauce,” but the lighting was at least done in camera. Makes me feel a little better.

A relaxing night.

Lake Shore… Marina? Whatever you call that protected water area.
Also, genius compositing by me.

These sissy ducks were totally scared of me and my evil camera.

If you could turn the camera to your left a little, you would see some mischevious kids.

This is where I park my imaginary boat.

DOWNTOWN at golden-hour before going to dinner:
The museum and the plant are competing to see who can spread their wings better. It’s a close call.

People love to hate this sculpture. But see how much fun it is?