Nearly 100 degrees at Bradford Beach yesterday. Made for a beautiful and busy beach day.
Jazz in the Park and more Milwaukee fun
St. Patrick’s Day in Milwaukee
St. Patrick’s Day in downtown Milwaukee on a beautiful sunny day.
Three windows each showing a different story.
Ran into Chris looking suave at Trinity.
The appearance of suspicion in this photo is not reality, but is pretty funny to me. Also… LENS FLARE!
Massive tent with many bars and connecting 2 large downtown bars. The band was also great.
Brady Street Fest
Bastille Days in Milwaukee
Bastille Days in East Town on Thursday July 13. Perfect not out for the party and Storm the Bastille 5km run.
Video clip while in the middle of the huge crowd at the start of the run.
Perfect weather and nice people when someone leaves the top down on their classic car.
US Bank building looming in the background.
This runner h*a*s a beer…
…clearly needs another for his other hand though.
Just before the run. Convincing myself I’m not claustrophobic…