Moon Over Milwaukee

Some long-exposure photography last night while a bright, full-ish moon was out.

Shot a few minutes before getting yelled at (scolded might be more accurate…) by a park worker for the park being closed.
Moon Over Veterans Park

The light-streaks in the bottom right are boats.
Moon Over Juneau Statue

Wasn’t scared at all. Knew my camera would defend my honor if need be.
Creepy Trail

Lakeshore State Park

Checking out Lakeshore State Park during a lovely cloudy June day.

I’m impressed this little boat is able to pirate the large pirate ship. Y’arggghhhh.
Pirate Ship!

The orange statue gets a lot of hate for “being in the way” of the art museum, but I still like it. (Milwaukee Art Museum is just behind me in this photo.)
MAM Bridge to Burst

I was going to steal these bench drumstricks, but whoever installed them must’ve known this.
Bench Drumsticks

Me walking back to the camera at the end of the timelapse (start of video). I wedged the lens cap under the front of the battery grip and the camera’s strap precariously under the back of it to “perfectly” work as my makeshift tripod.
Me! at Lakeshore State Park

You can actually turn these kinetic sculptures. There’s a wheel at the base.
Discovery World

Two seasons in Wisconsin: Winter and Construction. It’s no longer winter.
Lakefront Intersection

Sunrise at Bradford Beach – video

Was up way too early so I headed to Bradford to capture the sunrise.

It was a cold May morning (not quite 50 F when I arrived), but this meant very few people would be around. Especially nice while leaving my camera setup on the bridge for half an hour.

Music by Lyvo
Bradford Beach Sunrise
Dawn at Bradford Beach

Horse Fence Photos

Below are some of the horse fence photos I took in Richfield, Wisconsin at a white 4-rail Buckley Steel Board Fence install. This is a top-of-the-line horse fence my Dad invented.

You can see all of the photos in the album.