Traveled to Texas for photo and video work and took some travel shots along the way.

Arrived obnoxiously early to Milwaukee’s General Mitchell Airport, but got this shot of a near empty gate.

Waiting to take off from General Mitchell in Milwaukee to Dallas/Fort Worth.

24,000 feet (according to pilot) over USA, about 2/3 of the way to Texas from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Beautiful night in Weatherford, Texas.

Noticing the camera slung over my shoulder, the cook told me he was ready for the photo shoot. 🙂

Not an ad… but I do like their food and logo…

Traveling to the next location in Texas. Texas is the most obviously spied on state for a person to be. Check out all the cameras on the crossbeam.

Waiting to board to head home after 3 tiring days. Dallas/Fort Worth airport back to Milwaukee’s General Mitchell.

Feels good to be home after a great trip! Leaving General Mitchell airport here.