One of the last few web ads I shot and cut features a high-end guitar shop, and some sweet guitar solos (and wall of amps).
Print Page Updated
Recently added two new photos to the Print page (see them below). To see the photo album they’re from see the Photobucket Album.
Some of the other photos in the album:
“Venus, iPhone Star Charting App, and Eric”
Venus is just above Eric’s index finger.
“Moon and Hiding Sun”
Taken during the day with two pairs of sunglasses in front of a point-and-shoot camera so the Moon and Sun would both be visible.
Hip Hop Music Video I Photographed & Edited
Music video for Spanish/English hip hop group SYP, “Zona Peligrosa ft. Skribe.” I was director of photography and editor. Also, see post below for info on a screening for a short film I directed in Milwaukee, WI.
Skinny Cow Creative Web Ad
Creative web ad for Skinny Cow candy. Find them at
Vincent Buckley
starring Melissa Freson
Music Video SYP “Hay Dios Mio”
(SYP) Serpientes y Piramides – “Hay Dios Mio” (official music video)
A music video I dp’ed and edited. Shot with a Canon 5D.