I made a series of 12 videos in Chicago with stylist Chaunta Woods. Below is one on how-to dress up a tweed jacket, see the rest here.
How to Dress Up a Tweed Jacket for Women — powered by ehow
Milwaukee Film, Video, & Photography
I made a series of 12 videos in Chicago with stylist Chaunta Woods. Below is one on how-to dress up a tweed jacket, see the rest here.
Madison, Wisonsin-based fitness expert Faith Dey and myself made a second series of fitness videos that recently went live on eHow.com. Faith was once again great to work with.
I’ve had many music video, event, web ad, and other shoots recently — so keep an eye out for me to post the videos in the near future.
I recently had a shoot in Madison with fitness expert Faith Dey in Madison, Wisconsin for eHow’s video series Getting Fit that I did the videography and editing for.
Faith Dey and myself after the shoot.
Two of the ten videos are embedded below, and you can also check them out on eHow’s Youtube Series (still in process of uploading). Faith and I will be shooting another ten fitness videos at the end of October.
Simple Workplace Exercises That Slim Down the Tummy — powered by ehow
From the Reasons Be “Love the Way” moving-timelapse music video that I directed (coming soon), is this new poster now on sale (lettering painted by Reasons Be singer Scotty Dickert):
So I just got done working as one of 11 camera operators, shooting the Sports Car Club of America’s National Championship Runoffs in Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin. Below is a picture (by director Peter Murray) of the crew (I’m in the red jacket). Watch the races here.
So I know I have been talking about this for awhile, but now here it is — a new DP/Editor Reel with mostly new footage!