My Birthday! Barnacle Bud’s and Mike’s Boat

After finishing my taxes (starting them a month earlier) in the morning of my birthday, the weather Gods in Milwaukee graced me with ‘patio weather.’

Got lunch on Barnacle Bud’s patio then went to check out Mike’s boat that’s stored at Southwind Marine.

Video – The World’s Finest Horse Fence

I created this video for Buckley Fence, my Dad’s company that is creating horse fencing in a way never done before. This minute-long video shows off many installs and gives you an overview of what Buckley Fence is all about.

I shot the video and photos over the last few years, and wrote the narration specifically for this video.

Also recently designed a large (~80″x40″) laser-cut gate-entrance sign for a large horse ranch. Will post photos of that when it has been assembled.